Interested in Joining?

Click below if you are a Production Team looking to hire new Crew members or if you are interested in early registration of our Payments App.

A Startup in the Film & TV industry.

We have recently pivoted to concentrate on Production bookings and our Payments App which will follow in 2024.
In the meantime, you can still book Crew for your next shoot.

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Our Vision

Financial clarity for freelancers.

We have all been there, multiple bookings, delayed payments and when self assessment time comes around – its stressful. With so many accountancy options and paper trails its easy to get lost. 

We aim to fix that.

Our Mission

Easy. Reliable finance tracking.

To allow bookings and payments to be automated and connected with your accountancy software so it all shows in one place. Our App. That way, you can see what your National insurance, Tax and Payment situation is, in Real-Time.

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YouTube Intro

Watch how we plan to change how things are done.

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